Hello, my name is Roman Telezhynskyi and was the original author and the
maintainer of Valentina project.

I just want to clarify several things mostly because you read only the
forum i do not control anymore. Especially because people there very
hostile to me.

> My understanding is that the original author will no longer develop the
program (at least not as a FLOSS project) and that the only surviving FLOSS
project is the forked one, but I may be mistaken.

You are wrong. I decided to fork my work to reduce influence from people
who do not share my point of view. It will stay open source, i don't have
plans to close it. At least until i have enough resources to
continue developing.

Some more info for you guys to decide which fork to support. I made big
part of the code. And thing is, they don't have developers. None. This
project has very few contributors, interest in pattern making is very very
rare among developers as i know. So, think twice before supporting the
project in coma. Their leader good woman, but don't want to be a maintainer
or developer (doesn't know C++). They even cannot find people to backport
simple patches with bug fixes i made. Just go to their github repo page.
Check their commits, well, if you know something about developing you will
understand what i mean. Another important thing. Two projects not
compatible anymore. Because i continue developing the file format, my
version still can open all patterns, but their version not anymore. Also i
support package for debian, but don't know how good it is. No one ever gave
me feedback.

God, i wish i was the problem here and after my leaving it has a lot
developers and very active community. But reality is different. :(

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