On 4 June 2018 at 15:28, Graham Inggs wrote:
| On 04/06/2018 14:11, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| > esp the env var it looks var (just like old make based on did) we can do
| > this
| > 
| >    https://salsa.debian.org/edd/r-cran-rmpi/blob/master/debian/rules#L7
| > 
| > That may work. I should report it upstream either way.
| Adding the following to debian/rules worked on the mipsel porterbox 
| (fbasics still uses CDBS):

Thinko on my part: I am updating only 'Binary: all'; may take me a moment to
get to (all) of the 'Binary: any'.  But I make sure I hit this one this
evening when I get home.

| extraInstallFlags="--no-byte-compile"
| I uploaded that to the Ubuntu PPA builders and it built on arm64 and 
| ppc64el as well.  I also tried building fgarch, which depends on 
| fbasics, and it built too.
| So thank you, this seems to be the solution!  I will upload to Ubuntu 
| proper now and keep an eye on the rest of fbasics' dependants.  I'll let 
| you know how it goes.

Awesome. I'll do the same here, starting with fBasics -- and we add as needed.

One though though; should we not make that $ARCH dependent?

| > Do we (or do "you" at Canonical) give guest accounts on these?  I think I
| > once did a loooong time ago for mips or mipsel or ...
| Guest access for Debian porterboxes can be requested [1].  I don't know 
| about Ubuntu, I think it may be for employees only.

I had forgotten about the guest accounts. I guess I once made use of that for
an upstream of one of those "sometime hairy" package like rserve or rJava or ...

Thanks for the heads-up and quick test. Truly appreciated.

| [1] https://dsa.debian.org/doc/guest-account/

http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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