Hello all
I have read the document and I have some questions and comments.

1.- Once that we publish a "Privacy Policy" document in the website, if
there are changes to the text, do we need to do something "special"?
(e.g. put a banner in the site saying "we have updated our privacy
policy", or informing some mailing list...). I'd also like to know if we
need to "version" this document (in similar way as we do with the Debian
Constitution, for example: 1.0, 1.1, etc).

2.- We need to know if translations of the document need to clarify that
the translation is only informative and has no legal value and people
should look at the original English for that. We put such a note in the
translations of /trademark and /license, for example.

3.- About where it should go, my proposal is:

* Place the document under /legal/privacy.wml
* On top of the  /legal/index.wml document, create a new section "Legal
information" with links to /privacy, /trademark and /license (maybe more)
* In the menu of the homepage (and the menu at the footer of every
page), in the section "About Debian", place links to "Legal info" and
"Data privacy".

I will create a branch in the webwml repo named
"bug900552-privacypolicy", and upload the privacy.wml file there.

This way we can work there  (e.g. I would submit obvious fixes as </h1>
-> </h2> etc) and the document will not be shown in the Debian website,
at least until my question 1 and/or 2 are clarified.

4.- About the content of the document, I have some comments but I prefer
to send diffs as patches in separate messages, so they can discussed or
merged individually.

Laura Arjona Reina

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