Package: ttf-farsiweb
Version: 0.4-2
tags: d-i

After various tests with the graphical installer, looks like nazli
fonts are the only fonts working both for Farsi and Arabic; the only
problem is the fontsize (too small), but that will be handled in a config
file (grtkrc).
You can see a couple of screenshots ([1] and [2]); these are meant just to
show how glyphs look like and we know there are some problem with RTL.

The udeb should contain both "nazli.ttf" and "nazlib.ttf"; no
stripping is needed ATM since there seem to be no overlappings with
other font files.

In the future it might be needed to strip some glyphs out of the files
for reducing the size of the files: we'll eventually include a patch
or at least a precise list of glyphs to be removed.

Thanx in advance,


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