On Sat, 23 Jun 2018 at 18:51, Yaroslav Halchenko <deb...@onerussian.com> wrote:
> IMHO doker must not ask for unlocking GPG key at all AFAIK, unless may be
> some functionality requires signing et.
> I've not yet tried to figure out what exactly leads to it.

I'll bet you've got "pass" [1] installed, and this is thus
docker/cli#699 [2]. :)

[1]: https://packages.debian.org/sid/pass
[2]: https://github.com/docker/cli/issues/699

(There's also a 5-day-old PR [3] which attempts to fix this.)

[3]: https://github.com/docker/cli/pull/1131

The alternative when you don't have "pass" installed is that "docker
login" will store your Docker Hub credentials with just base64
encoding in ~/.docker/config.json (with "pass" it'll use that to make
sure they're encrypted at rest instead).

- Tianon
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