Hello Calum,

Am Sun, 24 Jun 2018 22:51:09 +0100
schrieb Calum Mackay <calum.mac...@cdmnet.org>:

> > The following workaround should clean up the situation for most
> > installations:
> >    find /etc/fonts/conf.avail/ -type d -empty -delete  
> interestingly, that finds one remaining entry for me, although I am no longer
> seeing the munin-tickled fontconfig errors:
>   $ find /etc/fonts/conf.avail/ -type d -empty
> /etc/fonts/conf.avail/65-0-fonts-smc.conf
> should I remove this dir (and/or pkg) too, perhaps?

I am not sure, what exactly causes the error messages of fontconfig - maybe it
is not even a good idea to be that sensitive regarding files below /etc.

But since directories (not files!) with that name are certainly created by
mistake, it should be safe to remove them.

> > I have the feeling, that this bug (for the munin package) can remain closed.
> > And we just hope that all affected users (of these fonts or munin itself) 
> > find
> > this information here helpful for cleaning the situation up manually.  
> Yes, definitely so, that was partly the reason I added details of how I
> resolved it for my system.

Good to hear!


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