
The attached reproducer_installed demonstrates that
* 903694 is a bug in gcc-7, not in the source for gcc-snapshot.
* 856274 is fixed in gcc-7.

I have tried to rebuild gcc-7 with itself, replacing the former
debian/patches/ada-gcc-name.diff with the attached version.

Then reproducer_in_tree reported no error,
so I hope that the fixed gcc-7 will be able to build gcc-snapshot
and will cause no regression with 856274.
I have not been able to test the installed version in a porterbox.

It may be possible to enforce the gnatlink executable name manually in
gcc-snapshot and make it buildable by unfixed gcc-7 versions, but it
is much work because of the mess with recursive Make invokations.
Description: simplifiy detection of machine and version in command name
 The previous algorithm wrongly tests "End_Of_Prefix > 1",
 which may happen even if a match has been found.
 Note: for historical reasons, gnatchop carries its own version
 of the old algorithm, which seems to work in our case.
Bugs-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/903694
Bugs-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/856274
Author: Ludovic Brenta <lbre...@debian.org>
Author: Nicolas Boulenguez <nico...@debian.org>

--- a/src/gcc/ada/osint.adb
+++ b/src/gcc/ada/osint.adb
@@ -2199,22 +2199,14 @@
    function Program_Name (Nam : String; Prog : String) return String_Access is
-      End_Of_Prefix   : Natural := 0;
       Start_Of_Prefix : Positive := 1;
-      Start_Of_Suffix : Positive;
       --  Get the name of the current program being executed
-      Start_Of_Suffix := Name_Len + 1;
-      --  Find the target prefix if any, for the cross compilation case.
-      --  For instance in "powerpc-elf-gcc" the target prefix is
-      --  "powerpc-elf-"
-      --  Ditto for suffix, e.g. in "gcc-4.1", the suffix is "-4.1"
+      --  Find directory part if any, and ignore it from now on.
       for J in reverse 1 .. Name_Len loop
          if Name_Buffer (J) = '/'
            or else Name_Buffer (J) = Directory_Separator
@@ -2223,25 +2215,21 @@
          end if;
       end loop;
-      --  Find End_Of_Prefix
+      --  Find the target prefix if any, for the cross compilation case.
+      --  For instance in "powerpc-elf-gcc" the target prefix is
+      --  "powerpc-elf-"
+      --  Ditto for suffix, e.g. in "gcc-4.1", the suffix is "-4.1"
+      --  In other terms, search and replace Prog with Nam.
       for J in Start_Of_Prefix .. Name_Len - Prog'Length + 1 loop
          if Name_Buffer (J .. J + Prog'Length - 1) = Prog then
-            End_Of_Prefix := J - 1;
-            exit;
+            return new String'(Name_Buffer (Start_Of_Prefix .. J - 1)
+                                 & Nam
+                                 & Name_Buffer (J + Prog'Length .. Name_Len));
          end if;
       end loop;
-      if End_Of_Prefix > 1 then
-         Start_Of_Suffix := End_Of_Prefix + Prog'Length + 1;
-      end if;
-      --  Create the new program name
-      return new String'
-        (Name_Buffer (Start_Of_Prefix .. End_Of_Prefix)
-         & Nam
-         & Name_Buffer (Start_Of_Suffix .. Name_Len));
+      --  If no match has been found, return the argument unchanged.
+      return new String'(Nam);
    end Program_Name;
# Attempt to reproduce 856274 and 903694 with the installed packages.
# Also check the influence of /usr/bin (see 856274).

set -eu
MACHINE=`gcc -dumpmachine`
BV=`gcc -dumpversion`

# Reproduce #856274
for t in gnatchop $MACHINE-gnatchop $MACHINE-gnatchop-$BV gnatchop-$BV; do
    echo "package P is end P;" > p.a
    echo "Trying: $t"
    $t -v p.a
    echo "Trying: /usr/bin/$t"
    /usr/bin/$t -v p.a
    rm -f p.a p.ads

# Reproduce #903694.
for t in gnatmake $MACHINE-gnatmake $MACHINE-gnatmake-$BV gnatmake-$BV; do
    echo "with Ada.Text_IO; procedure Hello is begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line 
(\"Hello\"); end Hello;" > hello.adb
    echo "Trying: $t"
    $t -v hello.adb -largs -v
    echo "Trying: /usr/bin/$t"
    /usr/bin/$t -v hello.adb -largs -v
    rm -f hello hello.o hello.adb hello.ali b~hello.adb b~hello.ads hello.adb
# Attempt to reproduce 856274 and 903694 in a freshly built tree.
# The build and host compilers must match.

set -eu
MACHINE=`gcc -dumpmachine`
BV=`gcc -dumpversion`


for exe in gnatbind gnatlink gnatmake gnatchop; do
    for lnk in $MACHINE-$exe $MACHINE-$exe-$BV $exe-$BV; do
        if test ! -x build/gcc/$lnk; then
            (cd build/gcc && ln -s $exe $lnk)

# Reproduce #856274
for t in gnatchop $MACHINE-gnatchop $MACHINE-gnatchop-$BV gnatchop-$BV; do
    echo "package P is end P;" > p.a
    echo "Trying: $t"
PATH="build/gcc:$PATH" $t -v p.a
    rm -f p.a p.ads

# Reproduce #903694.
for t in gnatmake $MACHINE-gnatmake $MACHINE-gnatmake-$BV gnatmake-$BV; do
    echo "with Ada.Text_IO; procedure Hello is begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line 
(\"Hello\"); end Hello;" > hello.adb
    echo "Trying: $t"
PATH="build/gcc:$PATH" $t $rts -v hello.adb -largs -v
    rm -f hello hello.o hello.adb hello.ali b~hello.adb b~hello.ads hello.adb

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