On Mon, 16 Jul 2018 at 18:39:59 +0100, Chris Lamb wrote:
> So, whilst I will be at DebCamp too (yay) I unfortunately won't have
> any hardware to test with and for various reasons I should keep
> commitments low at this point.

Sure thing!  I was planning to do some triaging anyway :-)  (#888916 has
been open for a while already and it's unfortunate that we didn't find
time to provide any follow-up yet.)

> (Can we get something into shape on a branch for Kyle to test, or are
> the bug references you cite above enough?)

AFAIK we don't have anything to show other than the two bugs and the
link to the respective repositories, but hopefully we'll have something
after DebCamp.  I'll poke you once this is the case! :-)


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