On 07/17/2018 08:26 PM, Nicolas Boulenguez wrote:
> The package must be rebuilt because of the transition to gcc-8.
> With upstream commit 2b676e9142a96beaff1d9797f9f2e5c257542d51
> and the debian/ subdirectory taken from
> 09a2e1ef062b2130eb66c61644d52d99b484c415,
> the attached patches seem sufficient.

Thanks for the patches, I'll look into when time permits.

> You may want to use the git "merge" feature to propagate a new
> upstream release from the upstream "master" branch to the packaging
> "debian" branch. This produces a more readable history.
> No conflict will ever happen because the two branch never modify the
> same files, except maybe during the *initial* merge because for the
> moment git believes that the "debian" branch modifies files outside
> the debian/ subdirectory.
> For example, when the "debian" branch was on debian/0.3.4-1:
> # git checkout debian
> # git merge v0.4.0
> would have produced a better commit than
> 7f57d1b144c8bc84d40ac6e0a63e29ddf5655de2.

The commit you are referring to was created using the git merge feature
--squash as I'm not interested in the complete development history of
master in the Debian branch.

- reto

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