Severity: normal

Please remove the acccheck package. It is affected by multiple security
vulnerabilities that are unlikely to be fixed by upstream as this was a
script written and shared a long time ago, upstream is not actively
maintaining it.

The feature set of this package is also redundant with other better tools:
metasploit, hydra, medusa, ncrack and patator

FWIW the package has been dropped from Debian Testing due to #901572
and Kali followed suite, it has been dropped from their meta-package too.

Thank you in advance.

PS: I first tried to patch the security vulnerability but when I looked at
the code more closely, it's literaly riddled with shell injection
vulnerabilities and it would be time-consuming to fix them all.

PS: I'm requesting this as a member of the pkg-security packaging team
even though I'm not listed in Uploaders of the package. I have put Marcos
Fouces in copy of the bug.

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