Am 27.07.2018 um 18:21 schrieb Andrea Vacondio:
> Ok, I see that 2.0.11-1 works correctly but I'm a bit lost. I compiled
> PDFBox using openjdk 10.0.2 with target/source 1.7 but I still get the
> issue with my generated fontbox jar... see mine on the left has the
> ByteBuffer return type causing the issue while on the right is the one
> from 2.0.11-1 correctly using Buffer as return type. Could you point me
> where I can find how the package is compiled? I'm looking here
> but I assume you
> don't just use the pom settings given the compile plugin is set with
> source/target 1.6....
> I'm just trying to understand and I can't figure what settings are
> needed to get the same result
> Thanks

You could try the following: I assume you compile libpdfbox2-java on an
up-to-date Debian unstable system.

apt source libpdfbox2-java
cd libpdfbox2-java
debuild -us -uc

The debuild command is in devscripts.

We force source/target 1.7 with our maven-debian-helper tool since this
is the minimum version supported by OpenJDK 10. These steps should
ensure that you get the same result. It is important that you use
Debian's toolchain and packages, don't call Maven manually. Let me know
if this was helpful to you.



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