Unfortuantely even the latest version of Kotlin still uses Protobuf 2.x, so 
it's not going anywhere in a short time. This package will only build the Java 
libraries, everything else is stripped.

Though your suggestion works on another dependency of Kotlin, 
`spullara-cli-parser`, which is no longer used by the latest Kotlin. Thanks!

Colin Watson 於 2018年07月30日 18:43 寫道:
> On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 05:23:15PM +0800, 殷啟聰 | Kai-Chung Yan wrote:
>> Yes, that Kotlin by Jetbrains. Packaging a language is quite
>> complicated, and we are bootstrapping an older version (so the process
>> can be a lot easier), and then we will update it to the latest version
>> once it's accepted.
> If it's just for bootstrapping, I'd consider temporarily embedding the
> older protobuf version in the kotlin source package instead, with a note
> that this will be removed once you're on a current version.  That should
> be less work for ftpmasters, quite possibly even less work for you, and
> it doesn't make it look like the old version of protobuf is being
> packaged for general use.

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