Hello Simon,
On Tue, Aug 07, 2018 at 08:20:23PM +0100, Simon McVittie wrote:
> On Mon, 06 Aug 2018 at 17:31:35 +0200, Helge Kreutzmann wrote:
> > this change (requiring a DISPLAY=:0) is really suprising. I'v used su
> > for ages and a simple xhost + (yes, I know that this has security
> > implications) was sufficient.
> "xhost +" grants access to your display to *literally any user*,
> including special-purpose system users like "nobody" and the users
> that run network servers. Please avoid this pattern! If you need to
> grant unlimited access to your display to another user, at least use
> "xhost +si:localuser:$THEIR_USERNAME".  (Or, again, consider using a
> separate X display, or Xpra, or similar.)

I'm aware, but thanks for the pointer anyhow.

> > Plese document this in a public place, the best would be the man page
> > as that is where users are looking for (a NEWS entry would only catch
> > administrators once).
> > 
> > I suggest putting it under NOTES. If you like, I can draft up a patch.
> Andreas already asked for a merge request, so it seems that proposing a
> patch would indeed be welcome.

I'll do, incorporating your excellent explaination. I'll do so until
the end of the week (latest).


      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann                     deb...@helgefjell.de
           Dipl.-Phys.                   http://www.helgefjell.de/debian.php
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           Help keep free software "libre": http://www.ffii.de/

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