On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 01:45:14PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Mo Zhou writes ("Bug#906265: RFH: julia -- ppc64el port of Julia language and 
> LLVM-6.0"):
> > I tried to think of applying for the access to debian's ppc64el porterbox
> > but it appears to be impossible for a normal user to install the resulting
> > package and build another package. Although maybe I can do some hacks on
> > PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH but that's dirty.
> This looks quite annoying.  The basic pattern here is that the porter
> may need to install modified build-deps.  This seems like it must come
> up all the time.  DSA, do you have any suggestions ?

Yes, sadly. However if DSA grant us the permission to install a
customized package, we can package e.g. a setuid program to obtain
the root shell within chroot.

BTW the schroot usage page (https://dsa.debian.org/doc/schroot/)
should really mention the tricks about env vars. I've submitted bug here
> I was going to suggest that if the llvm-toolchain maintainers agree,
> perhaps the package with the proposed patch could be uploaded to
> experimental.  But in my ad-hoc tests I couldn't get dd-schroot-cmd to
> even install the package from experimental.

Frédéric has just verified the proposed patch and it's working as
expected. Thank you again @Frédéric Bonnard !
> Ian.

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