Hi Chris,

> > It might be the python 2-or-3 thing. The lines used to read
> >     Recommends: python
> > and it did not trigger this rule, but recently it started to
> > trigger another rule (obsolete python version), so I ported
> > the script to work with both 2.7 and 3.6 and extended the
> > Recommends so either version would suffice.
> In that case, regardless of the Lintian logic here your OR is not
> correct for this package. Gven that the shebang points to
> #!/usr/bin/python (ie. Python 2.x) this would not be satisfied by the
> "| python3" suffix

hrm. Right.

> I would suggest changing the shebang to "#!/usr/bin/env python3" and
> recommending only python3.

It’s just a Recommends, sure, but this is a package that, while
I always also test it on sid, currently targets jessie and PHP5
on the customer’s site, so I’m a bit wary of requiring py3k yet
(also I didn’t test it with that old a version).

Perhaps just removing the shebang and chmod -x’ing it would si‐
lence lintian?

tarent solutions GmbH
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Geschäftsführer: Dr. Stefan Barth, Kai Ebenrett, Boris Esser, Alexander Steeg


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