Hi Guilhem

[adding team@s.d.o to the loop]

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 11:30:00PM +0200, Guilhem Moulin wrote:
> Control: found -1 2014.65-1+deb8u2
> Hi Salvatore,
> Wow, you're fast :-)  I read the the discussion in the upstream list but
> wasn't aware a CVE had been assigned yet.
> Upstream replied “I should have a patch in the next couple of days”, and
> I'll propose an upload to stretch-security after that.  (Hopefully the
> patch will be easy to backport as ‘svr-auth.c’ hasn't changed much since
> oldstable.)

Thanks! We were discussing this related issue (similar to openssh) in
the team yesterday, and we were thinking whilst we might issue a DSA
for openssh, we tend to not issue a DSA for dropbear itself fo the
similar issue. The use cases are likely different where they are used,
so we think updating for the next point release via stretch-pu might
suffice here for drobear.

Would you agree and could you instead update dropbear for the next
point release?


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