Control: tags -1 -patch +moreinfo

On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 6:09 AM Helmut Grohne <> wrote:
> icu fails to cross build from source, because the native build pass
> fails linking -licu-le-hb. It turns out that icu does not Build-Depends:
> libicu-le-hb-dev:native, so this is quite expected. Adding the
> dependency is not going to help though, because libicu-le-hb-dev Depends
> on libicu-dev (which is a problem, see 898571 and #898806) and since
> libicu-dev is not M-A:same (see #898820) and is thus not coinstallable.
 Indeed, several downstream projects don't follow ICU development and
still use icu-config for library detection. ICU upstream doesn't force
the pkg-config library detection either. That's why I still need to
ship icu-config which is the barrier of co-installation of multi-arch
The way of dependency is intentional. Not all ICU dependent programs
need icu-le-hb but all icu-le-hb dependent packages need ICU.

> Yes, you really need to fix the dependency cycle soon.
 I would like to. Of course, I can do an intermediate step to break
the dependency cycle. But the best would be to drop icu-le-hb for
being unmaintained and mainly unneeded. Only OpenTTD uses it and its
maintainers are noted even via Debian[1] that icu-le-hb and its
functionality is long deprecated.

> In the mean time, we can perform the native build pass without
> libicu-le-hb-dev. The host build pass still uses the library and thus
> cross building succeeds. It still isn't bootstrappable, but being cross
> buildable is part of the way. Please consider applying the attached
> patch.
 As noted above, it would break OpenTTD big when cross building. You
need to manually bootstrap ICU as I had to with native builds. Yes,
first build it without icu-le-hb and remove the layoutex library from
the installation. Then build icu-le-hb with the new ICU and install
it. Then you can build without disabling the layoutex library and be
able to build OpenTTD as well. This I remove the patch tag.
But if your intention is to cross-build ICU only and don't mind if
OpenTTD is unbuildable, then add back the patch tag and I'll upload
this change somewhen.
Meanwhile, Matthijs can you tell us how the OpenTTD layout work goes?
May you have any ETA from its upstream? It would be good to drop
icu-le-hb very soon.


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