
given the commit message "daily autocommit" there seem to be only one
possible source for this.

/etc/etckeeper/daily via etckeeper.timer

But this is disabled here. See attached txt file for easier reading,
w/o line wrapping.

Prior to any apt run, locally here 'anacron -s -n -d' is run.
So files in '/etc/cron.daily/*' are made sure to not be triggered by usual
anacron during any apt run.
Also time of this specific commit has been 2h after the configured daily cron in
/etc/crontab, so usual cron can not be the cause.

I wonder what could have triggered etckeeper.timer aka /etc/etckeeper/daily
when it is disabled up-front?

kind regards,


% ls -l /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/etckeeper.timer
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9  2018-08-05 09:49  
/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/etckeeper.timer -> /dev/null

% =systemctl -all list-timers
NEXT                          LEFT     LAST                          PASSED     
  UNIT                         ACTIVATES
Fri 2018-08-24 00:00:00 CEST  14h left Thu 2018-08-23 03:45:58 CEST  6h ago     
  logrotate.timer              logrotate.service
Fri 2018-08-24 04:00:47 CEST  18h left Thu 2018-08-23 04:00:47 CEST  5h 55min 
ago systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service

2 timers listed.

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