On 2018-08-24 09:37 PM, Nicolas Braud-Santoni wrote:
>> $ gpg -k aviau
>> gpg: please do a --check-trustd

So that would be one entry for pub 0xDA82830E3CCC3A3A, and the signature
expires on 2019-07-15:

>> pub   rsa4096/0xDA82830E3CCC3A3A 2014-04-01 [SC] [expires: 2019-07-15]
>>       Key fingerprint = E301 54F5 429F FBB9 B22E  49C2 DA82 830E 3CCC 3A3A
>> uid                   [  full  ] Alexandre Viau <alexan...@alexandreviau.net>
>> uid                   [  full  ] Alexandre Viau (ReAzem) <rea...@reazem.net>
>> uid                   [  full  ] Alexandre Viau <av...@debian.org>
That would be a second entry for pub 0xDA82830E3CCC3A3A, and the
signature expires on 2020-07-14:

>> pub   rsa4096/0xDA82830E3CCC3A3A 2014-04-01 [SC] [expires: 2020-07-14]
>>       Key fingerprint = E301 54F5 429F FBB9 B22E  49C2 DA82 830E 3CCC 3A3A
>> uid                   [  full  ] Alexandre Viau <alexan...@alexandreviau.net>
>> uid                   [  full  ] Alexandre Viau (ReAzem) <rea...@reazem.net>
>> uid                   [  full  ] Alexandre Viau <av...@debian.org>

Now the subkeys, that all expire on 2020-07-14

>> sub   rsa4096/0xD8FF317310159602 2016-06-02 [E] [expires: 2020-07-14]
>> sub   rsa4096/0xA760A90DE6594708 2016-07-13 [A] [expires: 2020-07-14]
>> sub   rsa4096/0x8F2B113C6535C5A7 2016-07-15 [S] [expires: 2020-07-14]
It looks like the signature should be accepted and that there should not
be two entries for 0xDA82830E3CCC3A3A, as they are the same key. Am I
missing something?

> Please find attached the mail that exposed the bug.
> I am using neomutt as a mail reader, in cast that's relevant

Did you attach it? It does not appear on the bug page.

Alexandre Viau

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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