On Sun, Aug 26, 2018 at 01:16:19PM +1000, Stuart Prescott wrote:
> Control: tags -1 + moreinfo unreproducible
> > Running debootstrap fails because it tries to fetch the package list
> > shown in /var/lib/apt/lists named binary-i386_Packages.  But there is no
> > such file on the server.  Instead there are files: binary-i386_Packages.gz
> > and binary-i386_Packages.xz but it doesn't look for them.  I've run strace
> > on it.  Here's the command I gave and results:
> > 
> > debootstrap --variant=minbase --verbose stretch /minboot
> > http://debian.usu.edu/debian
> Running this same command works just fine here. 
> If 'unxz' from xz-utils is found, then the .xz version is used; bunzip2 will 
> similarly be tried (but isn't on the mirror) and then gunzip is searched for 
> and the .gz file is used.
> From debootstrap.log:
> Resolving debian.usu.edu (debian.usu.edu)...
> Connecting to debian.usu.edu (debian.usu.edu)||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
> Length: 7098644 (6.8M) [application/octet-stream]
> Saving to: '«tmpdir»/mini/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/
> debian.usu.edu_debian_dists_stretch_main_binary-amd64_Packages.xz'
> And stracing: 
> execve("/usr/bin/wget", ["wget", "-O", "/home/stuart/tmp/mini/var/lib/apt/
> lists/partial/debian.usu.edu_debian_dists_stretch_main_binary-
> i386_Packages.xz", 
> "http://debian.usu.edu/debian/dists/stretch/main/binary-i386/by-hash/SHA256/
> d07f5e29da93524d0956a1bc00581413e5560156c3350bc22560ee633fb29b3a"]
> Removing xz-utils, strace shows:
> execve("/usr/bin/wget", ["wget", "-O", "«tmpdir»/mini/var/lib/apt/lists/
> partial/debian.usu.edu_debian_dists_stretch_main_binary-amd64_Packages.gz", 
> "http://debian.usu.edu/debian/dists/stretch/main/binary-amd64/by-hash/
> SHA256/9e7870c3c3b5b0a7f8322c323a3fa641193b1eee792ee7e2eedb6eeebf9969f3"]
> (tested against both i386 and amd64)
> > debootstrap needs to find one of the compressed files. download it, and
> > unconpress it.  But it doesn't.
> That is what is supposed to happen (and does for me). Is it possible that you 
> somehow do not have unxz and gunzip available in PATH? 
strace shows them found.  I'll have to look into it more.  wget is never
> I see that you've created this bug report without using reportbug and from 
> what looks like a non-Debian system -- is the version against which you have 
> reported this bug incorrect? Is there additional information you can provide?

I use Debian but for over 20 years have never done a clean install.  The
last try at updating corrupted my system and some packages will not
configure.  That's why I'm now trying to reinstall linux from scratch.
Running aptitude to try to fetch reportbug (or anything else) just
displays many screenfulls of configuration errors and doesn't fetch
anything.  I got debootstrap via downloading using the Firefox browser and
installed with dpkg.  I downloaded twice and got identical dbootstrap's
(108).  The new drive that I'm trying to bootstrap is in the bay that
contained a failed cd drive so it wouldn't be too easy to boot from cd if
I had one (actually DVDs).  My PC is 12 years old and doesn't boot from a
flash drive.  I'm connecting via free dial-up provided by Southern
California Freenet (I think it's the last FreeNet left in the USA).  Slow
but I'm willing to wait days for upgrading.

> Cheers
> Stuart
> -- 
> Stuart Prescott    http://www.nanonanonano.net/   stu...@nanonanonano.net
> Debian Developer   http://www.debian.org/         stu...@debian.org
> GPG fingerprint    90E2 D2C1 AD14 6A1B 7EBB 891D BBC1 7EBB 1396 F2F7
                        David Lawyer

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