I went for an exceedingly dirty solution but one not requiring a build 
environment: unpack the systemd-shim 10-3 deb archive, the control archive 
inside, and then modify the control file.  Carefully pack it back up with tar 
and ar, then install it with dpkg -i.

I *do* hope this will get fixed. Only one package that I need depends on 
systemd via policykit, namely BRLTTY, and the polkit support is completely 
optional if you are not using brlapi.

The servers will never get systemd, of course. This is just a VM with a pure 
textmode environment. I have wondered whether I shouldn’t just bite the bullet, 
only I can’t justify it. This is not change-aversion but self-respect. Systemd 
offers nothing I can’t do better with daemontools/runit/monit. I hope this bug 
is just a bug and not a feature …

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