On 12:38 Mon 27 Aug     , Apollon Oikonomopoulos wrote:
> So, it turns out ganeti's internal CA is using SHA1 to sign all 
> generated certificates, which - by the looks of it - is not acceptable 
> by OpenSSL 1.1.
> I'll need some time to investigate and see how we should handle this.

The good news is that it's pretty straightforward to get Ganeti to issue 
SHA256-signed certificates.

The bad news is that this will need a cluster-wide crypto material 
renewal (CA cert + client certs) using `gnt-cluster upgrade', which must 
be performed *after* installing the updated package on *all* nodes and 
cannot be done as part of a maintainer script (and thus can't be 
properly sequenced using Breaks).

I still need to investigate the following bits:

 - Whether I can get ganeti-luxid to use SECLEVEL=1 so that it won't 
   refuse to load the existing client certificates and thus won't cause 
   breakage during the time after the package installation and before 
   gnt-cluster upgrade. A quick look here says that this is not 
   possible, since libcurl seems to set the cipher list (which is used 
   to piggy-back security level information) *after* loading the client 
   certificates[1]. Using curl(1) confirms this as well.

   [1] https://github.com/curl/curl/blob/curl-7_61_0/lib/vtls/openssl.c#L2396

 - Whether a cluster that doesn't work because of SECLEVEL=2 + SHA-1 
   certs can be restored simply by using `gnt-cluster renew-crypto 
   --new-cluster-cert`, which will greatly simplify things. IOW, whether 
   `gnt-cluster renew-crypto` works without using Ganeti's RPC.

Finally, to ensure a smooth upgrade, SHA256 support must be backported 
to Stretch to allow users to upgrade their crypto material and upgrade 
to Buster without problems.


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