Hi all,

El 28/08/18 a las 20:48, Carsten Schoenert escribió:


>> Temporarily moving ~/.thunderbird /rhu4a0c1.default/Mail/Local Folder out of
>> the way did allow me to start Thunderbird. Unfortunately, "Local Folders" is
>> apparently where my main mailbox resides, so that's not a good workaround.
>> (I'm using POP, not IMAP, so my mail is stored locally.)
>> Any suggestions for where I go from here?
> Yes, the line gdb is showing were thunderbird is crashing is the
> interesting part, I'm sure this will show us an upstream issue. I see a
> small possibility that gcc8 might be the root for this crash. But then I
> also expect we would see a lot more bug reports related to thunderbird
> crashes.
> If the other reporters could give a message if they also use POP would
> also interesting! Also if the redo the steps of Torbjörn and get the
> same output would good to knoe. As written earlier, if the issue can be
> reproduced it's mostly much easier to get it fixed.

I'm using POP mail too, and my mail is mainly in "Local folders" too.

Sorry for forgotten to use strace in my last message for help a bit
more, has been years from my last usage of it.

Tell us if you need some more test.

Thank you for your effort.

Best regards.

Salud y Revolución.

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para no atar mis manos con las cadenas del soft propietario.
Porque la libertad no es tu derecho, es tu responsabilidad.
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