On Wed, 29 Aug 2018, root wrote:

> debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=medium

>   * Fix inconsistent wording in 4.9 by dropping the word 'maximally'
>     (Closes: #905251).
>     Thanks to several people who pointed out this issue, both in the BTS
>     and in person.

>  -- Sean Whitton <spwhit...@spwhitton.name>  Sat, 25 Aug 2018 13:05:54 -0700

You have a stray colon left there:

| <p>The package build should be as verbose as reasonably possible, except      
| where the <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span 
class="pre">terse</span></code> tag is included in <co
| +de class="docutils literal notranslate"><span 
class="pre">DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS</span></code> (see                  
| <a class="reference internal" href="#s-debianrules-options"><span class="std 
std-ref">debian/rules and DEB_BUILD_
| +OPTIONS</span></a>:).  This means that <code class="docutils literal 
notranslate"><span class="pre">debian/rules
                     ↑ here
| +</span></code>                                                               

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