On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 11:18:37AM +0200, Olivier Tilloy wrote:
> Looks like I was too fast in assuming that Debian suffered the same
> issue as observed on Ubuntu.
> Tests seem to pass at
> https://ci.debian.net/packages/l/lloconv/unstable/amd64/, no output
> observed on stderr. Except for one test run on 2018-08-24 03:42:33 UTC
> (https://ci.debian.net/data/autopkgtest/unstable/amd64/l/lloconv/872144/log.gz).
> I wonder what changed between that test run and the next one that
> passed. Not the version of libreoffice in any case.

I see this message locally in some cases on Debian unstable - e.g. it's
present with my example here:


But I don't get it if I run the autopkgtest commands locally.  It's
unclear to me what triggers it.

Ideally we wouldn't spew useless messages to stderr, but that's really
down to libreoffice and I don't think we want to get into trying to
filter its stderr output (and throwing it all away seems unhelpful).

So I'd agree that adding allow-stderr makes sense.  I'll add it in the
next upload (also happy for someone to NMU this fix).


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