Le 28/08/2018 à 15:25, Markus Koschany a écrit :

> I added a new rule to debian/maven.rules
> org.apache.xbean maven-xbean-plugin * s/.*/4\.5/ * *
> Expected behavior:
> The version in src/pom.xml will be tranformed from 4.1 to 4.5.
> Result:
> Version is still 4.1

For plugins and poms the exact type and version have to be specified in
the substitution rule. For example:

  org.apache.xbean maven-xbean-plugin maven-plugin s/4.1/4.5/ * *

I have no idea if this was designed that way or if it's a bug.

> Ideally libxbean-java would provide a debian version of
> maven-xbean-plugin but that's another story.

Generic 'debian' versions don't work with plugins unfortunately.
We would have to hack the Maven plugin validation logic.

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