Carsten Schoenert <> writes:

>> ... and I'm trying to make use of such flexibility. For smooth migration
>> I'd like to use current firefox-esr/stable and
>> xul-ext-ublock-origin/stable while moving to firefox/unstable with
>> webext-ublock-origin/unstable (whatever unstable might be at the
>> moment).
> You seems to forget that xul-ext-* packages will not get updated in the
> stable distribution! They will stay there until the end of the stretch
> release. And they are only relevant until FF 52esr. Also the content of
> the packages would be same.

Looks like I was using 'stable' instead of 'stretch' which may be
confusing: right now stable is stretch and I mean stretch when talking
about stable:

- firefox-esr/stretch and xul-ext-ublock-origin/stretch
- firefox/unstable and webext-ublock-origin/unstable (whatever unstable
  might be at the moment)

>> Having said that, I think Breaks: constraint could be relaxed.

Now I see that it is not only Breaks:, but Replaces:
xul-ext-ublock-origin too.

> No, we win nothing on this. It's more packaging work for no real gain
> given the real short span of time FF 52esr will alive.

(If not because of stable = stretch confusion) Sorry, but I don't
understand that - actively preventing two packages to coexist for no
real reason. I'm not an expert in Debian packaging, but 7.4. Conflicting
binary packages - Conflicts [1] seems as a perfect fit:

    Neither Breaks nor Conflicts should be used unless two packages
    cannot be installed at the same time or installing them both causes
    one of them to be broken or unusable. Having similar functionality
    or performing the same tasks as another package is not sufficient
    reason to declare Breaks or Conflicts with that package.

- webext-ublock-origin's files do not overlap with
  xul-ext-ublock-origin/stretch ones
- they do not break each other
- both firefox packages would ignore unsupported extension anyway

firefox/unstable does not Breaks: or Replaces: firefox-esr/stretch. At
the same time, webext-ublock-origin/unstable forces user to remove

webext-ublock-origin/unstable, as a new package since stretch, could
just not Breaks: and Replaces: xul-ext-ublock-origin.

What am I missing?

NB: keep in mind, non-native English speaker here ;-)



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