A general comment: although this TUTORIAL file originally was just
meant to reflect one talk from 2015, I recommend letting it evolve to
be _the_ tutorial for using autopkgtest in the Debian CI environment,
because this is one link that search engines find when someone
searches for "autopkgtest tutorial", and it has "tutorial" in its
name.  There are autopkgtest information files all over the place, and
it isn't immediately clear which should be an "official" Debian
reference tutorial.

Ideally this TUTORIAL file could evolve into _the_ tutorial, rather
than having someone go through every link they can find trying to
piece things together (which is what I did).

On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 11:59 AM Paul Gevers <elb...@debian.org> wrote:
> ...
> You're looking at this file:
> https://salsa.debian.org/ci-team/debci/blob/master/docs/TUTORIAL.md
> It would be awesome if you could propose changes to that file instead of
> the generated html file. However, I already have some comments.

I did not know that the HTML document I changed had its origin in
another format.  I _could_ modify the md file, but I do not work in md
usually and I would be taking a chance of something being lost in
translation.  If nobody who is familiar with the Debian md format has
time I can do that, but then please compare any formatting with the
HTML file that I submitted; I do know HTML well and what I did there
is what I intended.  HTML is my native language. :-)
> On 03-09-18 06:42, Paul Hardy wrote:
> > Please consider adding "The test environment" section (or something
> > like it) that I added to the autopkgtest tutorial page.  It gives an
> > introductory description of the general environment in which a CI test
> > script runs in a way that I have not found elsewhere.
> Although I appreciate what you try to do here, it rather feels weird, as
> you are just describing a very standard Debian setup. I really think
> this is not the place to describe how Debian works and where packages
> install their files. Policy already does that. So your first paragraph
> could be "The test environment is a minimalistic standard Debian
> installation."

That is good, but I would still make it clear that the installation is
not in some sub-tree (for example, /var/tmp/ci/sid/...).  I would
explicitly mention as an example that data files for "mypackage" are
in "/usr/share/mypackage".  That should get the point across.
> Your second sentence basically repeats stuff that is in the autopkgtest
> spec. Maybe we should more clearly link that?
> https://salsa.debian.org/ci-team/autopkgtest/raw/master/doc/README.package-tests.rst

I think that AUTOPKGTEST_TMP, etc., is so important that it merits
mentioning directly in the document.  Not everyone will click a link;
put the information in this TUTORIAL document where it cannot be
> $PATH will just contain the default Debian $PATH, again, I think this is
> described in Debian policy. The location of the scripts is described in
> the spec again.

Yes, but I didn't know that the files were installed with "/" as the
absolute top-level directory when I began.  I recommend conveying that
somehow explicitly.  Because I only knew that installed binaries could
be located using $PATH from the "trivial example" and the bug report
that initiated that example, this is what the debian/tests/control
file did for utfcheck-1.1-2:

     Test-Command: cd test && progloc=`which utfcheck` &&
utfcheck_bindir=`dirname $progloc` ./test-all

Now that I know, for example, that my utfcheck program is installed as
per the FHS (and not in some sub-tree for example under
/var/tmp/ci/sid/usr/bin using $DESTDIR), the debian/tests/control file
for utfcheck-1.2-1 (my most recent upload) has simplified the above to

    Test-Command: cd test && utfcheck_bindir=/usr/bin ./test-all

Does this example make it clear what I did not understand from the
autopkgtest and CI documentation?  So I recommend adding enough to
make it clear that absolute file locations are per the FHS and Debian
Policy.  You can say that in an abbreviated way compared to what I
wrote in the HTML file I sent, but not so abbreviated that it might
require the kind of experimentation that I did with utfcheck-1.1-2 and
-1.2-1 (and I'm still not done; I want to simplify it further by just
being able to say "make installcheck", incorporating what I learned
into my Makefiles).

When I get that far, I intend to write up what I did to get everything
to work between GNU Autotools, autopkgtest in the Debian CI
environment, and test scripts in the source tree that work on many
systems (not just with autopkgtest).

> ...
> > I copied the two paragraphs that describe AUTOPKGTEST_TMP and
> >
> >      https://people.debian.org/~mpitt/autopkgtest/README.package-tests.html
> Hmm, we live on salsa nowadays, please follow the link above. And
> instead of repeating stuff, can't we make smart text around links?

I recommend directly adding mention of those two environment variables
in this TUTORIAL document.  You can always also give someone a link to
a file on salsa as a footnote.  I thought Martin's descriptions were
perfectly clear and not in need of re-wording.  I think it is useful
to explicitly mention AUTOPKGTEST_TMP before providing the first
example test script.

Does the CI Team and/or autopkgtest Team think they can take what I
wrote in the HTML file, simplifying it a little as additions to the md
file with wording they prefer?  I understand this stuff now so it will
not benefit me; it is to benefit others who think the same ambiguity
about installed file location existed.

Thank you,

Paul Hardy

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