Hi Mo,
   thank you for your offer and review.
Unfortunately I do not know when I will be able to handle these issues as I
have very limited time at the moment.

Il dom 9 set 2018, 07:46 Mo Zhou <lu...@debian.org> ha scritto:

> control: owner -1 !
> control: tags -1 +moreinfo
> I can sponsor this package. However this package looks old and needs
> updating before the upload.
> 1. please have a look and fix the following lintian warnings:
> -------------------------------------------------------------

> And the latest standards version is 4.2.1 .

As you can see from git, the package as not been updated since a long time.
As soon as I can work on it again I will update the package.
Given the long time that has passed since my last update, during the last
few months I have also thought about orphaning, but I am still hoping to
find time in the close future.

2. why is the SOVERSION bump from 0 to 1?
> ------------------------------------------
> Has upstream bumped ABI/API?

I do not remember the exact reason, but I confirm that SOVERSION has been
bumped upstream as well.
The original upstream author is not active anymore, so I also act as
upstream for this package.

Besides, I'd suggest add symbols control file for this package such
> that ABI changes can be tracked more easily. One will obtain a symbols
> list from buildlog after creating an empty .symbols file and rebuild.

I was never able to use symbols files with C++ ABI, as I always receive
errors on architectures that are different from the one that I use to
create the symbols file. Moreover I have also tried different approaches to
track symbols, in order to guarantee that the ABI has not changed in any
platform (e.g., if the API changes a parameter from int64 to size_t, the
change is not always reflected in the ABI). In the end I gave up trying to
track them. When I described the issue upstream, in many cases some of them
simply started bumping SOVERSION at every release, just to stay on the safe
side. Do you have any better strategy to solve these issues?

Best regards,

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