Hello Frank,
Hello Daniel,

nice to see Zsh is actively maintained in Debian. ;)

Merely i was referring that the intention of the original patch as i understand
was to make the whole pattern case-insensitive, not only the first part of it.
Just documented public in the bug report for other interested readers.

I have no strong opinion on whether or not this actually makes it in the
official Debian package. That being said...

Daniel Shahaf schrieb/wrote:
> Frank Terbeck wrote on Mon, 10 Sep 2018 02:27 +0200:
>> In the meantime (it's been more  than seven years), I've changed my mind
>> about this.  I think a vendor should  do as little as  possible in their
>> global configuration files.

-- <snip> --

> So, I guess what Frank and I are saying is: if you want better defaults,
> work with upstream on making that happen.

-- <snip> --

> P.S. How about adding a mention of newuser.zshrc.recommended to
>        README.Debian, so it's more discoverable?
>> ¹ A case could be made that this is overstepping the boundaries already.
>>   And maybe that's  true. Getting keyboard handling in  a terminal right
>>   is a hard task, however. It  requires intimate knowledge about some of
>>   the subtleties of how terminals work  and about the facilities zsh of-
>>   fers to work with  those. It would be much better, if  zsh did some of
>>   this out  of the box,  but alas it doesn't.  (The rationale is  to not
>>   break existing setups — and that's a valid argument, too.)

... I fully agree on all of this especially the part about keyboard setup.
Which is certainly not an easy task for newcomers.

Regarding the original request i think the options are:

1) as mentioned make upstream include it.
2) Include commented parts in debian stock /etc/zsh*.
   IMHO the file /etc/inputrc is a good example for this.
3) Factor out a "zsh-debian-extras" package.

kind regards,


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