Have you requested a CVE number for this issue?
Have you received the CVE number value ?
Le 10/09/2018 à 11:06, Hanfang Zhang a écrit :
Sorry, I don't have it. Once I receive the CVE ID number, I will give it to you
as soon as possible.
Ludovic Rousseau <ludovic.rouss...@gmail.com
<mailto:ludovic.rouss...@gmail.com>> 于2018年9月8日周六 下午11:01写道:
Le 08/09/2018 à 03:05, Hanfang Zhang a écrit :
> Hello,
> Done. Thanks a lot.
Do you have the CVE ID number?
Can you give it to us please?
Dr. Ludovic Rousseau
Dr. Ludovic Rousseau