Ian Jackson writes ("Re: Bug#908933: debian-policy: typo in document in section 
3.4 page no 15 line number 16 needs improvement."):
> However, I looked at
>   /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/policy.pdf.gz
> from debian-policy_4.2.1.1_all.deb with mupdf on my stretch i386
> system, and it looks absolutely fine.  See attached policy-ok.png.

Also, look at the word "verbatim" in s3.4, 2nd para, 3rd line, 3rd
word.  In the screenshot the gap after the v is rather too big.  But
in my mupdf it is fine.  Also, "volunteers" in the last line befopre

Unless someone with more knowledge of pdf etc. is able to say
otherwise, I think this is a rendering bug in Adobe Reader.

To the bug submitter: I recommend you stop using a proprietary pdf
reader.  Adobe's stuff has some bad antifeatures, bad security
properties, and so on, as well as being proprietary, and, apparently,
buggy.  The Free Software alternatives, in Debian, are really good.


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