On Wednesday, 26 September 2018 11:45:02 AM AEST lkcl wrote:
> it would be really helpful if people could stop assuming that everyone
> forcibly fucking wants systemd shoved at them.  and no, ordering people
> to go use freebsd or devuan is not acceptable.
> for goodness sake please be a little more careful and considerate.
> i'll try to track down some sysvinit scripts in a followup and post
> them later.

It would be polite not to assume that lack of SysV scripts is deliberate.
There are not enough people involved into maintenance of such a complex 
package as GitLab and writing init scripts from scratch and maintaining them 
is not an easy task.
Yes, your help would be appreciated if you care enough for init scripts to 
contribute them or to fund/sponsor someone who could write them.

Until then systemd remains a viable option for those who have no systemd-
fobia and wishes to run GitLab...

 Dmitry Smirnov.


It is impossible to imagine Goethe or Beethoven being good at billiards
or golf.
        -- H. L. Mencken

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