On Thursday, October 4, 2018 12:37:45 PM CDT Sven Joachim wrote:

> Almost certainly it is has been triggered by the recent upload of
> googletest, since the gtest-source directory is just a copy (via cp -a)
> of /usr/src/googletest/googletest.  Looks like that googletest upload
> broke out-of-tree builds.

Yes, it is triggered by new googletest; but the root cause is more subtle.  
The easyloggingpp package uses this rule to build gtest:

# We need to build googletest first
        mkdir gtest-build
        cp -a /usr/src/googletest/googletest gtest-source
        dh_auto_configure -Dgtest-source -Bgtest-build
        dh_auto_build -Dgtest-source -Bgtest-build

If you look at the "good" build log [1], you'll see that the above code was 
actually configuring & building with cmake.  With googletest 1.8.1, it flipped 
to using automake -- due to the presence of file "configure".  Unfortunately, 
the autoconf build is broken.

Suggest you add "--buildsystem=cmake" to the dh_auto_configure line.  Then it 
builds fine with googletest 1.8.1.


[1] https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?

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