On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 12:46:33 -0400, Boyuan Yang wrote:

> I have just uploaded an updated version of tidy-html5 onto Debian
> unstable. Your package needs to be rebuilt against new tidy to finish
> the transition (either by sourceful upload or binNMU).

Neither a binNMU nor an upload of -2 in git will work, as the package
doesn't build anymore due to test failures caused by the new

> Besides,
> currently the autopkgtest of your package would fail with new
> tidy-html5.

Right, that's the same breakage.
> Could you please investigate into those issues and upload a new
> version to solve the incompatibility problem?

For the future: Could you please upload breaking changes to
experimental, file bugs reports against rdeps, and only then upload
to unstable?


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