Hi Milan,

Milan Zamazal schrieb am Sat 11. Mar, 19:30 (+0100):
> >>>>> "JS" == Jörg Sommer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     JS> crm114 dies on some mails with sigseg. I append you and example
>     JS> and an strace and ltrace run.
> Thanks for the bug report and all the attached information.
> Unfortunately I can't reproduce it on i386, so I've just forwarded it
> upstream.

I talked to a friend who is using crm114 on i386 and he couldn't confirm
any problems. My admin installed me crm114 on a i386 machine and I
couldn't reproduce it.

I've took a look with a debugger on it and found out the sigseg happens
in at the end of the call in line crm_expr_classify.c:191. The function
crm_expr_markov_classify() is executed until the return call. It crashes
while leaving this stack frame. I can't explain why this happen.

I guess it has something to do with libtre. I will try to install an
older version of it and see if the problem occures again.

Bye, Jörg.

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