[Carsten Leonhardt]
> Not shipping init scripts equivalent to the service files violates
> policy 9.11, therefore the bug severity is serious.

I had a look at this part of Debian policy[1], which reads:

 "9.11. Alternate init systems

  A number of other init systems are available now in Debian that can be
  used in place of sysvinit. Alternative init implementations must
  support running SysV init scripts as described at System run levels
  and init.d scripts for compatibility.

  Packages may integrate with these replacement init systems by
  providing implementation-specific configuration information about how
  and when to start a service or in what order to run certain tasks at
  boot time. However, any package integrating with other init systems
  must also be backwards-compatible with sysvinit by providing a
  SysV-style init script with the same name as and equivalent
  functionality to any init-specific job, as this is the only start-up
  configuration method guaranteed to be supported by all init
  implementations. An exception to this rule is scripts or jobs provided
  by the init implementation itself; such jobs may be required for an
  implementation-specific equivalent of the /etc/rcS.d/ scripts and may
  not have a one-to-one correspondence with the init scripts."

I agree that providing only systemd services and no init.d script is a
violation of a "must" requirement from this part of policy.  As far as I
can tell, the exception do not come into play, as the zfsonlinux scripts
are not "provided by the init implementation itself".

The fact that systemd is the default and init.d scripts are the only way
to start services on hurd and kfreebsd make me suspect this section of
policy could use an update to make it more explicit that the systemd and
init.d scripts need to have equivalent behaviour.  But zfsonlinux is not
relevant for hurd and kfreebsd, so in this case it only affect those not
using systemd on linux.

If using the /lib/init/init-d-script mechanism I described in 2013[2]
can be used for some of the zfs daemons, the init.d scripts should not
take long to write, nor to maintain. :)

 [1] <URL: 
 [2] <URL: 

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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