On 11/11/17 12:05 AM, Marc Chantreux wrote:
> hello,
> thanks to the help of racke and kolter on the freenode #sympa channel,
> i have a sympa installed from buster packages in a docker.
> https://github.com/sympa-community/sympa-docker/tree/master/registry/sympa:buster
> i also tried to help about the invoke-rc.d thing. see the pactch in
> attachement
> many thanks for help
> regards

The maintainer scripts have quite old code inside, so I'm looking at a better 
to do without
using invoke-rc.d.

At any rate, docker isn't part of the Debian distribution. So I think this 
patch isn't appropriate
and is not needed - this probably can be solved by more smart usage of apt/dpkg 
in the Dockerfile.


Ecommerce and Linux consulting + Perl and web application programming.
Debian and Sympa administration. Provisioning with Ansible.

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