Has python: pass (binary: python2.7, version: 2.7.15+, py2)
Has iptables: pass
Has ip6tables: pass

Has /proc/net/dev: pass
Has /proc/net/if_inet6: pass

This script will now attempt to create various rules using the iptables
and ip6tables commands. This may result in module autoloading (eg, for
Proceed with checks (Y/n)? y
== IPv4 ==
Creating 'ufw-check-requirements'... done
Inserting RETURN at top of 'ufw-check-requirements'... done
TCP: pass
UDP: pass
destination port: pass
source port: pass
ACCEPT: pass
DROP: pass
REJECT: pass
LOG: pass
hashlimit: pass
limit: pass
ctstate (NEW): pass
ctstate (RELATED): pass
ctstate (ESTABLISHED): pass
ctstate (INVALID): pass
ctstate (new, recent set): pass
ctstate (new, recent update): pass
ctstate (new, limit): pass
interface (input): pass
interface (output): pass
multiport: pass
comment: pass
addrtype (LOCAL): pass
addrtype (MULTICAST): pass
addrtype (BROADCAST): pass
icmp (destination-unreachable): pass
icmp (source-quench): pass
icmp (time-exceeded): pass
icmp (parameter-problem): pass
icmp (echo-request): pass

== IPv6 ==
Creating 'ufw-check-requirements6'... done
Inserting RETURN at top of 'ufw-check-requirements6'... done
TCP: pass
UDP: pass
destination port: pass
source port: pass
ACCEPT: pass
DROP: pass
REJECT: pass
LOG: pass
hashlimit: pass
limit: pass
ctstate (NEW): pass
ctstate (RELATED): pass
ctstate (ESTABLISHED): pass
ctstate (INVALID): pass
ctstate (new, recent set): pass
ctstate (new, recent update): pass
ctstate (new, limit): pass
interface (input): pass
interface (output): pass
multiport: pass
comment: pass
icmpv6 (destination-unreachable): pass
icmpv6 (packet-too-big): pass
icmpv6 (time-exceeded): pass
icmpv6 (parameter-problem): pass
icmpv6 (echo-request): pass
icmpv6 with hl (neighbor-solicitation): pass
icmpv6 with hl (neighbor-advertisement): pass
icmpv6 with hl (router-solicitation): pass
icmpv6 with hl (router-advertisement): pass
ipv6 rt: pass

All tests passed
Suzu.memeYa@build ~ $
  Suzu.memeYa@build ~ $ sudo ufw enable
                                  Command may disrupt existing ssh
connections. Proceed with operation (y|n)? y
ERROR: Could not load logging rules
Suzu.memeYa@build ~ $

On Thu, 1 Nov 2018, 23:59 Jamie Strandboge <ja...@canonical.com wrote:

> What is the output of:
> $ sudo /usr/share/ufw/check-requirements
> --
> Jamie Strandboge             | http://www.canonical.com

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