On Thu, 8 Nov 2018 17:56:28 +0100 Elimar Riesebieter <riese...@lxtec.de>
> * Pedro Silva <pedrofsi...@netcabo.pt> [2018-11-08 08:56 +0000]:
> It seems that your HDMI device is your default sound device. If you
> want to use your HDA-Intel to play sound you need a $HOME/.asoundrc:
> ###
> pcm.!default {
> type hw
> card 1
> }
> ###
> To configure this system wide put it in /etc/asound.config
> Elimar

With the $HOME/.asoundrc, pointed to card 2, the sound is back and fully
working, thank you.

You mean that a minor revision to this package caused it to now require
a manual configuration file?  Why?

Best regards,
Pedro Silva

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