
Just to be clear: The manpage of [file delete] states that

> Trying to delete a non-existent file is not considered an error.

see https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.6/TclCmd/file.htm#M12

or, the Wiki states that

> If pathname is a non-existent file, nothing is done and it is not an

see https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/file+delete

... so your expectation is that this behaviour also applies to this
EFAULT instance?

If so (I agree), you might consider opening a ticket at

This can also be (re-)produced under macOs, FWIW:

$  rm -rf d
$ mkdir d
$ cd d
$ rm -rf ../d
$ env - pwd
pwd: .: No such file or directory
$ tclsh8.6
% pwd
error getting working directory name: no such file or directory
% file delete spong
error deleting "spong": bad address in system call argument
% exit


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