
I wouldn't be surprised if capability net_admin is triggered by 
https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=991901 (which turned out 
to be an upstream systemd bug) and fixed by 

I'd recommend to ask the systemd maintainers to apply/backport that 
patch - it will help to avoid "capability net_admin" requests in several 
daemons (bassically all that use libsystemd sd_notifyf() etc.)


Christian Boltz
<cboltz> can you please add a safety check to make sure this doesn't
         happen again?
<cboltz> (for example: the file must have at least 100 lines)
<darix> cboltz: that check was in place
<darix> error page was long enough
[from #opensuse-admin]

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