On Fri, 09 Nov 2018 20:13:17 +0000 daniel <dan...@64studio.com> wrote:
> Hi Steve,I asked the upstream author about this. 

I and I think that he answered you in the software main page with more
supremacist propaganda and " We're simply not interested in "how a
Debian or Free Software user who isn't European is meant to react".

> I don't know if Debian has a policy against neo-Nazi hashtags but it's not 
> what I expect to find in an operating system meant to be for everyone.

I was unable find a clear policy about nazi or racist propaganda
embedded in software. The closer pointers are probably the point 5 of
the Social Contract at The Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG). But
seems to speak more about licensing:

"5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
The license must not discriminate against any person or group of persons"

The other official tool we can use here is the "Diversity Statement":

I think that we can mail to debian-devel to look for experience in
similar cases.

> I would support patching this package, but the offensive text would remain in 
> the source package I guess.Cheers!Daniel

If I'm not wrong, we could use a dfsg branch in salsa to filter the
racist content after importing the original sources to the upstream
branch. From the clean sources in dsfg you can merge it to master and
use the version as: $version+dfsg. This way the source package
references to the clean sources instead of upstream.

There is some information about how to do it here:

Said that, it could be good to think about keeping the package in Debian
as it is, given that the developer is trying to push his supremacist
crap into the code and the project webpage.

One possible solution would be to fork and maintain updated the upstream
project with clean sources and no racist references. Move the package
name to the new one (fork name could be something similar like
bs1770gain-clean) so we kill all references to the webpage and
bs1770gain sources and do not help with the nazi propaganda in any
sense. I'm happy to help if you decide to go with this solution or any
other that kick all the project references out.

Jose Luis Rivero <jriv...@openrobotics.org>

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