Hi Timo, Laurent, and others,

I plan on updating ansible to use python3 on the ansible controller after
#848871. That bug is currently missing a last few fixes, an upload to
experimental by me and a review by the ftp-masters.

I initially considered building an ansible package for py2 and one for py3,
but after reviewing the bug list tagged for py3 specific bugs in upstream I
think it's an acceptable risk to switch to py3 directly, without offering
packages for py2.

Part of this bug is also documenting how to switch to py3 on the managed
nodes, which can already be done today. However, I'll leave the default there
on py2, since most managed machines come with at least python 2.7 (which is
required) installed by default, but not always with py3. Debian jessie for
example is too old to run ansible on py3, as ansible requires at least 3.5 to
run on the managed node.


On 20/11/2018 09:26, Timo Kalliomäki wrote:
> Python3 is supported since Ansible 2.5 (March '18). Any updates on the
> packaging? Ansible is the only python2 dependent left for me...
> Br,
> Timo

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