Op vr 23 nov. 2018 om 10:55 schreef Christos Trochalakis
> >What about ExecStartPre?
> It's already at `ExecStartPre=` [0], the problem is that in `systemd
> restart nginx` ExecStartPre is executed **after** the service is
> stopped, not in the start of the sequence.

In that case, does it make sense to use ExecStartPre after all?
Just trying to start nginx would be simpler.

> [0] $ systemctl cat nginx.service|grep ^ExecStartPre=
> >
> >> ExecStartPre=, ExecStartPost=
> >
> >> Additional commands that are executed before or after the command in 
> >> ExecStart=, respectively. Syntax is the same as for ExecStart=, except 
> >> that multiple command lines are allowed and the commands are executed one 
> >> after the other, serially.
> >
> >> If any of those commands (not prefixed with "-") fail, the rest are not 
> >> executed and the unit is considered failed.
> >>
> >> >Perhaps even better, but I'm not sure if systemd and nginx supports
> >> >this, would be for the new instance to be fully started before the old
> >> >one is stopped.
> >> >
> >>
> >> This can be done (in both sysvinit & systemd) systems by running
> >> `/etc/init.d/nginx upgrade` but in your case a binary upgrade is not
> >> needed, just a config reload (nginx -s reload).
> >
> >Could "service nginx restart" use this same logic?
> >Users and packages probably don't know about nginx upgrade and will be
> >using the standard interfaces...
> No, service restart just calls systemctl restart on systemd systems.
> I think that both nginx restart & upgrade are commands that are rarely
> needed in my experience: `service nginx reload` is what you usually need
> and luckily that works as expected on both systemd & sysvinit.

Makes sense.


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