I see that we're debating the merits of merged-usr vs non-merged-usr, while
expending lots of effort and filing bugs (requiring further urgent action of
unrelated maintainers), for little gain.

In the above, note that the debate vs effort touch different problems:

1. is usrmerge good?
2. how to support both?

I say that 1. is a relatively small issue.  After dropping support for
booting from split /-vs-/usr without initrd, the difference doesn't really
matter.  I'm against pointless moves, but it's not worth an endless debate.
My objection is: repainting the house is a lot of work, paint fumes are bad
for health, the old color was fine and the old paint isn't noticeably flaky.

On the other hand, 2. is madness.  It's taking down load-bearing walls just
so you can have visible sides of both colours.

All the bugs you folks just filed are completely moot if we go all-in,
all-out or step-back-then-in.  So please at least stop filing extra bugs
before the TC decides on the course.

So, let's enumerate possible outcomes:

1. no usrmerge
  1a. no moves at all (no effort needed!)
  1b. moves via some dh_usrmove tool, until /bin is empty
2. supporting both merged-usr and unmerged-usr
3. mandatory usrmerge
  3a. by Bullseye
  3b. by Buster

Unless the TC decides for 2., all this work will be a pure waste of yours
and maintainers' time.

With 1a, 1b, 3a the result will be "revert the change in debootstrap" (in
3a "for now").  With 3b you need some way to make sure existing systems are
converted (also with 3a except for far more time for testing).

And any effort spent doing one of the numbered choices is wasted if we end
up with a choice with a different number.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Ivan was a wordly man: born in St. Petersburg, raised in
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ Petrograd, lived most of his life in Leningrad, then returned
⠈⠳⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ to the city of his birth to die.

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