Package: gitlab
Version: 11.3.11+dfsg-1
Severity: important

Dear Maintainer,

Install gets stuck on this output, answering doest seem to help

Precompiling assets...
One CLI for webpack must be installed. These are recommended choices, delivered 
as separate packages:
 - webpack-cli (
   The original webpack full-featured CLI.
 - webpack-command (
   A lightweight, opinionated webpack CLI.
We will use "yarn" to install the CLI via "yarn add -D".
Which one do you like to install (webpack-cli/webpack-command):

-- System Information:
Debian Release: buster/sid
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (99, 'testing')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 4.18.0-3-cloud-amd64 (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_AU.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_AU.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8), 
LANGUAGE=en_AU.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)
LSM: AppArmor: enabled

Versions of packages gitlab depends on:
ii  asciidoctor                                1.5.8-1
ii  bc                                         1.07.1-2+b1
ii  bundler                                    1.16.1-3
ii  bzip2                                      1.0.6-9
ii  dbconfig-pgsql                             2.0.10
ii  debconf [debconf-2.0]                      1.5.69
ii  exim4-daemon-light [mail-transport-agent]  4.91-8+b1
ii  gitlab-common                              11.3.11+dfsg-1
ii  gitlab-shell                               8.3.3+dfsg-2
ii  gitlab-workhorse                           6.1.1+debian-3
ii  lsb-base                                   10.2018112800
ii  nginx-full [nginx]                         1.14.1-1
ii  nodejs                                     8.11.2~dfsg-1
ii  npm                                        5.8.0+ds6-2
ii  openssh-client                             1:7.9p1-4
ii  postgresql-client                          11+197
ii  postgresql-client-11 [postgresql-client]   11.1-1+b2
ii  postgresql-contrib                         11+197
ii  rake                                       12.3.1-3
ii  redis-server                               5:5.0.2-1
ii  ruby                                       1:2.5.1
ii  ruby-ace-rails-ap                          4.1.1-1
ii  ruby-acts-as-taggable-on                   5.0.0-2
ii  ruby-addressable                           2.5.2-1
ii  ruby-akismet                               2.0.0-1
ii  ruby-arel                                  6.0.4-1
ii  ruby-asana                                 0.6.0-1
ii  ruby-asciidoctor-plantuml                  0.0.8-1
ii  ruby-asset-sync                            2.4.0-1
ii  ruby-attr-encrypted                        3.1.0-1
ii  ruby-babosa                                1.0.2-2
ii  ruby-base32                                0.3.2-3
ii  ruby-batch-loader                          1.2.1-1
ii  ruby-bcrypt-pbkdf                          1.0.0-2
ii  ruby-bootstrap-form                        2.7.0-1
ii  ruby-browser                               2.5.3-1
ii  ruby-carrierwave                           1.2.3-1
ii  ruby-charlock-holmes                       0.7.6-1
ii  ruby-chronic                               0.10.2-3
ii  ruby-chronic-duration                      0.10.6-1
ii  ruby-commonmarker                          0.17.9-1
ii  ruby-connection-pool                       2.2.2-1
ii  ruby-creole                                0.5.0-2
ii  ruby-default-value-for                     3.1.0-1
ii  ruby-device-detector                       1.0.1-2
ii  ruby-devise                                4.4.3-1
ii  ruby-devise-two-factor                     3.0.3-1
ii  ruby-diffy                                 3.2.1-1
ii  ruby-doorkeeper                            4.4.2-1
ii  ruby-doorkeeper-openid-connect             1.5.2-1
ii  ruby-dropzonejs-rails                      0.8.2-1
ii  ruby-ed25519                               1.2.4-1
ii  ruby-email-reply-trimmer                   0.1.6-1
ii  ruby-escape-utils                          1.2.1-1+b1
ii  ruby-excon                                 0.60.0-1
ii  ruby-faraday                               0.13.1-2
ii  ruby-fast-blank                            1.0.0-1+b1
ii  ruby-flipper                               0.13.0-3
pn  ruby-flipper-active-record                 <none>
pn  ruby-flipper-active-support-cache-store    <none>
ii  ruby-fog-aliyun                            0.2.0-1
ii  ruby-fog-aws                               2.0.1-1
ii  ruby-fog-core                              1.45.0-2
ii  ruby-fog-google                            1.8.1-2
ii  ruby-fog-local                             0.3.0-1
ii  ruby-fog-openstack                         0.1.6-4
ii  ruby-fog-rackspace                         0.1.1-4
ii  ruby-fogbugz                               0.2.1-3
ii  ruby-font-awesome-rails          
ii  ruby-gemojione                             3.3.0-1
ii  ruby-gettext-i18n-rails                    1.8.0-1
ii  ruby-gettext-i18n-rails-js                 1.3.0+dfsg-2
pn  ruby-gitaly-proto                          <none>
ii  ruby-github-linguist                       5.3.3-1
ii  ruby-github-markup                         1.6.5-1
ii  ruby-gitlab-flowdock-git-hook              1.0.1-4
ii  ruby-gollum-lib                  
ii  ruby-gollum-rugged-adapter       
ii  ruby-gon                                   6.2.1-1
ii  ruby-google-api-client                     0.23.4-2
ii  ruby-google-protobuf             
ii  ruby-gpgme                                 2.0.16-1+b1
ii  ruby-grape                                 1.1.0-1
ii  ruby-grape-entity                          0.7.1-1
ii  ruby-grape-logging                         1.7.0-1
ii  ruby-grape-path-helpers                    1.0.6-1
ii  ruby-graphiql-rails                        1.4.10-1
ii  ruby-graphql                               1.8.4-1
ii  ruby-grpc                                  1.16.0-1
ii  ruby-hamlit                                2.8.8-1
ii  ruby-hangouts-chat                         0.0.5-1
ii  ruby-hashie-forbidden-attributes           0.1.1-1
ii  ruby-health-check                          2.6.0-1
ii  ruby-hipchat                               1.5.2-3
ii  ruby-html-pipeline                         2.8.4-1
ii  ruby-html2text                             0.2.0-1
ii  ruby-httparty                              0.16.2+dfsg1-2
ii  ruby-icalendar                             2.4.1-2
ii  ruby-influxdb                              0.2.3-2
ii  ruby-jira                                  1.5.0-1
ii  ruby-jquery-atwho-rails                    1.3.2-2
ii  ruby-js-regex                              3.1.1-1
ii  ruby-jwt                                   1.5.6-1
ii  ruby-kaminari                              1.0.1-4
ii  ruby-kgio                                  2.11.2-1+b1
ii  ruby-kubeclient                            3.1.2-1
ii  ruby-licensee                              8.9.2-1
ii  ruby-lograge                               0.10.0-1
ii  ruby-loofah                                2.2.2-1
ii  ruby-mail-room                             0.9.1-2
ii  ruby-method-source                         0.9.2-1
ii  ruby-mini-magick                           4.8.0-2
ii  ruby-mousetrap-rails                       1.4.6-6
ii  ruby-net-ldap                              0.16.1-1
ii  ruby-net-ssh                               1:5.0.2-2
ii  ruby-nokogiri                              1.8.4-1
ii  ruby-ntlm                                  0.6.1-2
ii  ruby-oauth2                                1.4.0-3
ii  ruby-octokit                               4.12.0-1
ii  ruby-omniauth                              1.8.1-1
ii  ruby-omniauth-auth0                        2.0.0-1
ii  ruby-omniauth-authentiq                    0.3.3-1
ii  ruby-omniauth-azure-oauth2                 0.0.9-2
ii  ruby-omniauth-cas3                         1.1.4-2
ii  ruby-omniauth-crowd                        2.4.0-1
ii  ruby-omniauth-facebook                     4.0.0-2
ii  ruby-omniauth-github                       1.3.0-1
ii  ruby-omniauth-gitlab                       1.0.2-1
ii  ruby-omniauth-google-oauth2                0.5.3-1
ii  ruby-omniauth-kerberos                     0.3.0-3
ii  ruby-omniauth-ldap                         2.0.4-2
ii  ruby-omniauth-oauth2-generic               0.2.2-1
ii  ruby-omniauth-saml                         1.10.0-1
ii  ruby-omniauth-shibboleth                   1.3.0-1
ii  ruby-omniauth-twitter                      1.4.0-1
ii  ruby-org                                   0.9.12-2
ii  ruby-parser                                3.11.0-1
ii  ruby-peek                                  1.0.1-1
ii  ruby-peek-gc                               0.0.2-1
ii  ruby-peek-pg                               1.3.0-1
ii  ruby-peek-rblineprof                       0.2.0-1
ii  ruby-peek-redis                            1.2.0-1
ii  ruby-peek-sidekiq                          1.0.3-2
ii  ruby-pg                                    0.19.0-2+b1
ii  ruby-posix-spawn                           0.3.13-2+b1
ii  ruby-premailer-rails                       1.9.7-1
ii  ruby-prof                                  0.17.0+dfsg-3+b1
ii  ruby-progressbar                           1.9.0-2
ii  ruby-prometheus-client-mmap                0.9.4-1
ii  ruby-rack-attack                           4.4.1-1
ii  ruby-rack-cors                             1.0.2-1
ii  ruby-rack-oauth2                           1.9.2-1
ii  ruby-rack-proxy                            0.6.1-2
ii  ruby-rack-test                             0.7.0-1
ii  ruby-rails                                 2:4.2.10-1
ii  ruby-rails-deprecated-sanitizer            1.0.3-3
ii  ruby-rails-dom-testing                     1.0.6-2
ii  ruby-rails-i18n                            4.0.9-1
ii  ruby-rainbow                               3.0.0-2
ii  ruby-raindrops                             0.19.0-1+b2
ii  ruby-rbtrace                               0.4.10-1
ii  ruby-re2                                   1.1.1-2+b2
ii  ruby-recaptcha                             4.11.1-1
ii  ruby-redcarpet                             3.4.0-4+b1
ii  ruby-redcloth                              4.3.2-3+b1
ii  ruby-redis                                 3.3.5-1
ii  ruby-redis-namespace                       1.6.0-1
ii  ruby-redis-rails                           5.0.2-3
ii  ruby-request-store                         1.3.0-1
ii  ruby-responders                            2.4.0-2
ii  ruby-rouge                                 3.2.1-1
ii  ruby-rqrcode-rails3                        0.1.7-1
ii  ruby-rufus-scheduler                       3.4.2-1
ii  ruby-rugged                                0.27.4+ds-1
ii  ruby-sanitize                              4.6.6-1
ii  ruby-sass-rails                            5.0.6-2
ii  ruby-seed-fu                               2.3.7-1
ii  ruby-select2-rails               
ii  ruby-sentry-raven                          2.7.4-1
ii  ruby-settingslogic                         2.0.9-3
ii  ruby-sidekiq                               5.2.2+dfsg-2
ii  ruby-sidekiq-cron                          0.6.3-5
ii  ruby-sidekiq-limit-fetch                   3.4.0-3
ii  ruby-slack-notifier                        1.5.1-2
ii  ruby-sprockets                             3.7.2-1
ii  ruby-sshkey                                1.9.0-1
ii  ruby-state-machines-activerecord           0.5.1-2
ii  ruby-sys-filesystem                        1.1.7-2
ii  ruby-task-list                             2.0.0-2
ii  ruby-toml-rb                               1.0.0-2
ii  ruby-truncato                              0.7.9-2
ii  ruby-u2f                                   0.2.1-2
ii  ruby-uglifier                              2.7.2+dfsg-2
ii  ruby-unf                                   0.1.4-2
ii  ruby-unf-ext                     
ii  ruby-unicorn-worker-killer                 0.4.4-1
ii  ruby-validates-hostname                    1.0.7-1
ii  ruby-version-sorter                        2.1.0+dfsg-1+b2
ii  ruby-virtus                                1.0.5-3
ii  ruby-vmstat                                2.3.0-2+b1
ii  ruby-webpack-rails                         0.9.11+git-1
ii  ruby-wikicloth                             0.8.1+dfsg-4
ii  ucf                                        3.0038
ii  unicorn                                    5.4.0-1+b1

Versions of packages gitlab recommends:
ii  certbot  0.28.0-1
ii  gitaly   0.120.1+debian-2

gitlab suggests no packages.

-- debconf information:
  gitlab/password-confirm: (password omitted)
  gitlab/pgsql/app-pass: (password omitted)
  gitlab/pgsql/admin-pass: (password omitted)
  gitlab/app-password-confirm: (password omitted)
* gitlab/remove-error: abort
* gitlab/remote/port:
* gitlab/pgsql/authmethod-admin: ident
* gitlab/pgsql/authmethod-user: password
* gitlab/db/dbname: gitlab_production
* gitlab/db/app-user: gitlab@localhost
  gitlab/purge: false
* gitlab/dbconfig-upgrade: true
* gitlab/database-type: pgsql
  gitlab/internal/reconfiguring: false
* gitlab/dbconfig-install: true
* gitlab/dbconfig-reinstall: false
* gitlab/pgsql/changeconf: false
* gitlab/remote/host: localhost
* gitlab/pgsql/admin-user: postgres
* gitlab/dbconfig-remove: true
* gitlab/upgrade-error: abort
* gitlab/pgsql/manualconf:
* gitlab/upgrade-backup: true
* gitlab/install-error: abort
* gitlab/purge_data: true
* gitlab/letsencrypt_email:
* gitlab/letsencrypt: false
* gitlab/ssl: true
* gitlab/missing-db-package-error: abort
* gitlab/fqdn: gitlab.ce.corp
* gitlab/remote/newhost: localhost
* gitlab/pgsql/method: TCP/IP
  gitlab/internal/skip-preseed: false
* gitlab/user: gitlab

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