Just re-tested:

1. Went to http://localhost:631/printers/PDF_watt_home and under
   "Maintenance" picked "pause printer". Entered username & password
   when prompted.
2. Generated a print job with: fortune -s | lpr -PPDF_watt_home
3. Confirmed a print job in the queue at
4. Ran systemctl restart cups-browsed.service
5. Job stayed...
6. Ran systemctl stop cups-browsed.service ; systemctl start
7. Job vanished.

That is... odd. So I tried printing another job, getting an "No destination host name supplied by cups-browsed for printer \"pdf_watt_home\", is cups-browsed running?" error showing up in the CUPS error log (and webui) eventually. After that, "systemctl restart cups-browsed.service" made the job vanish.

Now that printer seems permanently broken (with that no destination error). So I restarted cups.service (which also deleted the print job). Still got the error.

It's weird I'm also getting errors in the CUPS error log like:

E [05/Dec/2018:11:38:24 -0500] [Client 22] Returning IPP client-error-bad-request for CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer (ipp://localhost:631/printers/pdf_watt_home) from localhost.

To get it back working, I stopped cups-browsed.service, deleted all the printers it added via CUPS webui, stopped cups.service, started cups.service, and then started cups-browsed.service again. Got those weird error log entries again.

After that, tested again and it didn't delete the job, but restarting cups-browsed.service resumed the print queue (which it probably shouldn't, since I manually paused it, but that's much more minor).

Just to be sure, paused it again, added another job, and restarted cups-browsed.service: it deleted the job.

Tested again: unpaused, job not lost.

Tested again: job lost

Tested again: unpaused, not lost.

Tested again: job lost

Tested again: unpaused, not lost

... so... umm... it seems to lose jobs every other restart.

So I restarted it immediately again, without sending a print job. Then tested again, and not lost. It really does appear to be every other restart.

I think I've noticed something though. On restarting it, the "Connection:" changes in the CUPS web ui. Sometimes its "implicitclass://pdf_watt_home/" other times "implicitclass://PDF_watt_home/".  Each restart of cups-browsed.service changes back and forth. And it appears lowercased printer names lose jobs on restart.

I have two remote printers, and they have opposite lowercase-states. I haven't tested as much with the other printer (it's a real printer, so testing wastes paper & toner), but it appears to follow the same lowercase-means-jobs-lost rule. (BTW: It gets the error log entries too).

I tried to find more details about the bad requests, but it doesn't appear to actually be sending IPP requests — or at least, not one that Wireshark can capture on lo (it sees the requests from Firefox, so it's working). Possibly it sends them over the cups UNIX socket.

On 12/1/18 12:04 PM, gregor herrmann wrote:
On Thu, 06 Sep 2018 13:31:51 -0400, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:

After doing so, the queue in the browser refreshed and showed empty. But
I checked — the PDFs were not created. Showing completed jobs shows
nothing. Looking in /var/spool/cups (on both the local machine and the
remote machine) shows no sign of the two jobs.
I can't reproduce this bug but maybe I did something wrong. What I
did was:

- print to a printer which is not available
- check in the cups web ui and in /var/spool/cups that the print job
   is there
- service cups-browsed restart
- and the job is still in the spool and the web ui still shows the job
   and the problem (printer not responding; well, it's a few hundred
   kilometers away)

(In the spirit of full disclosure: this is with sysv-init and not
systemd, in case this makes a difference.)

gregor, from the Bern BSP

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