El mié., 19 dic. 2018 a las 14:21, Sébastien Hinderer
(<sebastien.hinde...@inria.fr>) escribió:
> Sorry. I added the following to my .emacs.el:
> (setq ispell-local-dictionary-alist
>       (append ispell-local-dictionary-alist
>               '(
>             ("francais7"
>                  "[[:alpha:]]"
>                  "[^[:alpha:]]"
>                  "[-]" t ("-d" "fr_FR") nil utf-8)
>                 )))
> When I start emacs I get the following error message:
> Symbol's value as variable is void: ispell-local-dictionary-alist

Hi, Sébastien

I forgot that ispell.el is not loaded at startup but later on demand.
Try wrapping the code in eval-after-load (I might have missed a

(eval-after-load "ispell"
(setq ispell-local-dictionary-alist
       (append ispell-local-dictionary-alist
                  "[-]" t ("-d" "fr_FR") nil utf-8)

This should run the code once ispell.el is loaded.

Let me know if this works,



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