> Not tested yet, but it looks like the right commit...

Tested and confirmed, it's the right bugfix! :-)

@Maintainer: I think this will be included in Dovecot v2.3.5. I don't
know when the next release will be available, so maybe it's a good idea
to include the patch [1] in the next package update as temporary
solution for all affected users?

Patched sources are available at [2]. Test build for amd64 is available
at [3]. This is only a small personal repository for private stuff.

With kind regards,
Christian Schrötter


[2]: https://debrep.froonix.org/debian/dists/buster/main/source/mail/
[3]: https://debrep.froonix.org/debian/dists/buster/main/binary-amd64/mail/

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